Dictionary meaning of alter ego
Another side of oneself; a second self.
An intimate friend or a constant companion.
[Latin : alter, other + ego, I, self.]
We have another side of ourselves; a second self.
And that is -

I am not joking ! It is a Bugs BUNNY !

In fact, It is our Pet, "Ruby" !
( She is Ruby !)
She is now almost 5 months old. It was a chance that we came across her. She was up for sale in "King's Palace Road" , also called "Durbar Marg", in Kathmandu. We took pity of her and bought her for $3 only !
Now, I am reaping benefits of petting Ruby !
How ? See below :
Your eating habits will likely improve. Some rabbits really thrive on a diet that consists of a large assortment of fresh vegetables. Really, if you are going to buy produce for your rabbit, you might as well eat some, too!
You don't have to get up at 6:00 a.m. to walk your rabbit in the pouring rain or bitter cold, nor do you have to "stoop and scoop". You can let him out for his morning exercise while you sit and quietly sip your coffee as he amuses you with his antics. Rabbits are most active in the early morning and at dusk.
( She is sooooo cute )
If you have a headache or enjoy peace and quiet you will not have to listen to barking or meowing but just the gentle sound of a twitching nose. Rabbits will not bother your neighbours, so they are ideal for apartment living.
Words like "cute", "Binky" and "bunny flop" will become a part of your vocabulary.
You will have the most luxuriant garden on the block. Rabbit litter makes fantastic compost if you use hay, a newspaper based litter such as Yesterday's News or Care fresh, or wood stove pellets in your rabbit's litter box.
(They only eat leafy vegetables & carrots )

You've finally found someone who will lounge with you in front of the television and not complain about your favourite programs. Just remember to keep that remote control out of reach! Some rabbits think remote control buttons are a delicacy.
Any clothing item that is left on the floor, and within reach of your rabbit, may end up being tasted and having numerous "air vents" added. This is a real incentive to pick up those clothes!
The cardboard concrete forming tube that you have running behind your sofa and the protective coverings you have over your electrical cords make good conversation pieces when entertaining house guests.
You have a "friend" who loves you unconditionally and offers you support, comfort, security and stability. Recent studies show that pet ownership may even reduce blood pressure and have other health benefits.
You will see the stares of disbelief from friends and co-workers when you talk about your litter trained indoor rabbit and all the funny antics he performs daily.
( Ruby with my daughter !)
That was Ruby !
Now, we have one more Alter-Ego !
And, he is TOM !

Yes, It is a TOM Cat !

Of course, Officially, he is not our Pet.
He lives next door. But gets more attention from us than from his owners !
He is "Kitty !"
(The cute Kity!)
I like my cat. It is a good cat. It eats cat food. It does not eat dog food. It does not do drugs. My cat likes to meow. My cat likes to scratch things. One time I gave my cat a little piece of carrot and he ate it. My cat does not eat mice. My cat does not smell funny.
It likes Fish.

& Milk.

I also like my cat because my cat is smart. It is not stupid like many of the dogs you may have encountered. My cat reads my mood and stays away when I am angry. My cat does not eat his cat food when there is poison in it. My cat can count up to 300. My cat knows calculus like the back of his damn hand.
I like my cat because it is cute. It has eyes and ears and a mouth. All of those are smaller than my eyes and my ears and my mouth. It has little paws. It makes paw-prints when it walks through paint or tar or blood and then walks on the clean floor. It has little whiskers. It is a young cat.
Now, I was joking !
But, the fact is after our face-to-face with our "Alter-Egos", we are a completly changed human beings. Now, we have become more compassionate, caring & loving each other, etc, etc. They teach you so much through their non-verbal communication.
They have became an integral part of our life ! And, life has become so beautiful now !
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